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File a Complaint


Regulated Member

Please use the links below to upload any documents needed to support your claim.

Consent to collect, use and (or) disclose personal information.*

The Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) governs the Alberta Assessors’ Association’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information. By signing this form, you are providing your consent to the Alberta Assessors’ Association to collect, use and disclose any personal information for regulatory purposes including, but not limited to processing, investigating, hearing and deciding a matter. This may include publication in whatever means the Association deems appropriate if such disclosure is in the public interest.


I hereby agree to cooperate with the AAA in its review and processing of my complaint. I understand I may be interviewed and, if the matter is referred to a hearing, I may need to appear before a Tribunal. I understand the AAA will provide this complaint form and any/all documents supporting my complaint to the named regulated member for a response, and to third parties whose roles are necessary functions in the regulatory process.